“That’s what I do to people that don’t listen.” So said a Scranton teenager by way of explanation for why he shot a cab driver twice in the back of the head after the cabbie took a route other than the one he specified.
According to the Times-Tribune, 16-year-old Aazis Richardson was charged with first-, second-, and third-degree murder in the shooting death of 47-year-old Vincent Darbenzio. The youth was also charged with robbery for having helped himself to $500 he found on the freshly slain body. Evidently, armed robbery is something else he does to people who don’t listen.
The criminal complaint, which is here, indicates that the murder weapon, a 9mm handgun which Richardson said he brought for $175 in Newark where he is a member of a local chapter of the Bloods, was unlicensed.
When police found Richardson hiding out in at the attic of a building, he was still wearing the pants stained with Darbenzio’s blood, police told reporters.
At a news conference following Richardson’s arraignment yesterday, Scranton Police Chief Carl Graziano said:
All homicides have a certain level of coldness. But this particular defendant exceeds all measurable levels of coldness.