“The Official Obama Barf Bag…”
Congressman Steve Stockman is making a run for the U.S. Senate seat for the Lone Star State, so to help raise money for his campaign he’s made no secret that Obama has given him a severe case of dyspesia, as reported by Inquisitor.com on Dec. 21, 2013.
The darling of the Texas Tea Party, Stockman faces quite the uphill battle in the Republican primary against incumbent Senate heavyweight John Cornyn who currently has a commanding 44-point lead. Nonetheless, Stockman hopes to bring a bit more folding green into his coffers by way of vomit receptacles of fellow Texicans who may be a bit green around the gills when it comes to the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Letting the world know socialism makes him sick, the Stockman for Senate 2014 website is offering “The Official Obama Barf Bag” for a low, low contribution of $10. In what could be best described as colored Regurgitation Green, the OOBB dovetails nicely with Stockman’s none-too-subtle message of:
Obama’s socialism makes me sick! And I have the barf bag to prove it!