When did transvestites become a protected class?

When did transvestites become a protected class?
Lactatia (Image: YouTube screen grab)

I’d like to think I’m current on trends in social justice warfare, but lately headlines from the “big tent” suggest that a new protected class has joined the party. There was no word that an extra T had been added to the LGBTQ acronym, no formal announcement that transvestism is now a source of pride.

This is puzzling. As recently as last February, transvestites were persona non grata to the tolerant Left. A 22-year-old winner of of the Miss Transgender UK contest was stripped of her (his? xer?) title when it was discovered that she was “simply a gay drag queen,” rather than a biological male who self-identified as a woman.

Yet two days ago we learned that Rutgers University had invited Big Freedia, a self-described “gay male” drag queen, to perform during the school’s LGBTQIA Welcome Week.

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But it gets worse than that — far worse. From PJ Media:

On Friday, the global fashion magazine Elle published a video featuring an 8-year-old boy named Nemis dressing up as a drag queen named Lactatia.

“I’ve been wearing my sister’s tutu since I was like threes and fours, even like twos [sic], and I’ve been dancing around in my little pink dresses and stuff, so yeah I think I’ve had Lactatia inside me since I was born, that’s why I love that song ‘Born This Way,'” Nemis said in the video.

The boy took on the idea that children (at age 8!) should not even know what a “drag queen” is. “I know people would like go up to their parents and tell them that they want to be a drag queen, and then their parents would be like, ‘You shouldn’t even know what that is.'”

“I don’t think that that should be a thing, I don’t think that other people should judge what people do,” Nemis said. Parents shouldn’t judge their children or have a say in what they know or do? [Emphasis]

The highlighted observation sounds scarily close to a one uttered last week by rising Democratic star Kamala Harris, who declared in a tweet that “children are our nation’s future. We must listen to them about what they care about and give them a voice in our government.”

As for Lactatia, he has parental approval:

The boy’s mother described the whole experience as “overwhelming — you feel overwhelmed by pride that your child is expressing themselves, and showing the world, and it’s being so well received, and she’s pretty good at what she does.”

I scarcely have words for this. Transvestitism, which is a subcategory of fetishism and  a type of paraphilia — a sexually arousing fantasy that involve inanimate objects, in this case clothing — is classified as a mental disorder. To accept it as normal behavior is delusional. To permit, and even worse encourage, it in children should be criminal.

Not surprisingly, “[l]ater in life (sometimes in their 50s or 60s), some men who were cross-dressers only in their teens and twenties develop gender dysphoria. They may seek to change their body through hormones and genital (sex-reassignment) surgery.”

How nice! One fetish gives way to another. And now both have the blessing of the Left. God bless America!

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy has written for The Blaze, HotAir, NewsBusters, Weasel Zippers, Conservative Firing Line, RedCounty, and New York’s Daily News. He has one published novel, Hot Rain, (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), and has been a guest on Radio Vice Online with Jim Vicevich, The Alana Burke Show, Smart Life with Dr. Gina, and The George Espenlaub Show.


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