An Alabama kindergartner was forced to sign a non-suicide and non-homicide contract after she drew a picture of something resembling a gun and pointed a crayon at a classmate while saying, “pew, pew.”
The “safety contract” the five-year-old girl signed was administered without her mother’s knowledge or permission, according to Mobile NBC affiliate WPMI Local 15 News.
“This isn’t right. She’s 5-years-old,” said the girl’s mother, identified only as Rebecca. “Most of these words on here, she’s never heard in her life.”
Local 15 News reported:
Rebecca did not want Local 15 News to use her last name. She said E R Dickson school officials crossed the line when they had her daughter sign a Mobile County Public Safety Contract without her being present.
School officials told Rebecca they had to send Elizabeth home after an incident in class.
“They told me she drew something that resembled a gun,” said Rebecca. “According to them she pointed a crayon at another student and said, ‘pew pew.’”
According to Local 15 News:
She said her child was given a questionnaire to evaluate her for suicidal thoughts.
Without her permission, Rebecca said her child was given the Mobile County Public School Safety Contract to sign stating she wouldn’t kill herself or others.
“While I was in the lobby waiting they had my 5-year-old sign a contract about suicide and homicide,” Rebecca told the station. “There should be a different way to handle this situation. If this is protocol it needs to be looked at again.”
Apart from the fact that the little girl didn’t even know what words like “suicide” meant and more than likely couldn’t read what she was signing, since when are contracts signed by five-year-olds legally binding?
Watch the report from Local 15 News.