The ancient Chinese general and strategic genius, Sun Tzu, once wrote, “What the ancients called ‘a clever fighter’ is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.” With that in mind, there is no proof that one of Iran’s leading clerics has been thumbing through “The Art of War” lately, but he very well may have. Especially in light of reports by both The Washington Free Beacon and Arutz Sheva, which indicate that Ahmad Khatami has urged the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to “punch Obama in the mouth” if the American leader should ever get on the lippy side.
More than a few Iran-watchers in America’s military and intelligence agencies have advised that the real power in Iran rests not in the country’s president or parliament but in a relatively small clutch of Islamic clerics collectively known as The Assembly of Experts. One of the more senior members of that committee, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, has very publicly urged that President Hassan Rouhani engage in personal combat with Barack Obama in the event of any future face-to-face meetings. Specifically, the Ayatollah advised, “If the American president talks nonsense, our president should punch him in the mouth.”
Khatami railed against the United States, accusing Washington of openly seeking the downfall of the Islamic Republic. Khatami told a packed house at recent Friday prayers:
Top U.S. officials without exception – from Carter to Obama – all wanted to topple the Islamic regime. It’s not that they did not want to, but they failed to do so. They keep pouring their venom.
Obviously striking a chord with his audience, the Ayatollah’s words drew hearty cheers of “Death to America!”
In keeping with proving to be a man of the people as well as fully Shari’a compliant, the Iranian president’s mother recently revealed to the nation’s Mehr News Service that President Rouhani wed his first cousin when he was 20-years-old, she a mere child of 14.