The dust flew today in the White House press briefing room over the content of the 41 new documents released by the administration pursuant to a FOIA lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch. ABC’s Jonathan Karl tries to get Propaganda Minister Jay Carney to admit that the White House deliberately dissembled about both the authorship of the talking points that Susan Rice presented on national TV and the origins of the assumption that the attacks were the result of a video which inflamed Muslim passions.
Carney for his part tied to sell the laughable argument that the news documents were related to events in the Muslim world in general. Never mind that the White House fought tooth and claw for seven months to block their release. Never mind either that one of the four goals articulated in this batch is “to show that we will be resolute in bringing people who harm Americans to justice.” Where in the Muslim world outside of Libya were Americans harmed in September 2012, when these documents were written?
If you lie as constantly and effortlessly as Jay Carney, inconsistencies become irrelevant.
The video follows: