NEWS FLASH!! Grass is green, the sky is blue, Phil Robertson is a conservative Christian.
By now, liberals, independents, and conservatives have all heard about Phil Robertson’s GQ Magazine interview. No pun intended, but suffice it to say… feathers have been ruffled.
Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s a thumbnail of what’s going on: The big daddy of the über-popular reality TV show “Duck Dynasty” stated during an interview that he considered the homosexual act not only sexually undesirable, but sinful.
The Arts and Entertainment network, which airs Duck Dynasty, responded by essentially firing the family patriarch:
We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty. His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.
Now with all that out of the way, I don’t care if A&E dumps Phil.
Why? Personally, I hope the entire Robertson crew tells A&E to go straight to hell.
Here’s a couple things I’d like folks to consider…
- What did GQ think he was going to say? It’s not exactly a big secret that the Robertsons are conservative Christians. I don’t seem to recall any of the family living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
- I know A&E has every right to place Daddy Phil on so-called hiatus, but c’mon gang — they haven’t exactly had much of a problem raking in those huge piles of cash D.D. has brought into their bank account.
- Is what Mr. Robertson said right or wrong theologically? That depends on your theology, or even lack thereof as far as that’s concerned. How, what, and if one has any religious opinion is up to the individual. Period.
Just an Ignorant Redneck…
Don’t let the beard and headband fool you. As much as many on the left love to sneer at those hick, backwoods, White Cracker Robertsons, allow me to point out that they certainly don’t need A&E’s money.
Prior to Duck Dynasty hitting the airwaves, Phil Robertson was already a multi-millionaire. By the way, son Willie is worth $20 million. Not bad for a bunch of ignorant Rednecks, huh?
Sure, Phil’s pulled in a ton of folding green from TV, but he sure didn’t make every cent of his $15 million from a TV show.
And he may have grown up in a cabin with no electricity or indoor plumbing, but he’s far from stupid. The man has a Master’s Degree in Education.
Why Can’t We All Just Be Happy, Happy, Happy…?
I know that a whole lot of conservatives have gone overboard saying that A&E is somehow violating Robertson’s First Amendment rights. If they want to or don’t want to put him on the air, well… that is totally up to them. So to many of my fellow conservatives, let it go and just get over it.
As far as liberals are concerned, suffice it to say – when they hate you, they really hate you.
in all seriousness, here are two quotes I’d like you to read, then see if you caught the same thing I saw.
From CNN’s Dunce-in-Residence Piers Morgan:
Phil Robertson is not a ‘victim of political correctness’. He’s a victim of his own repulsively racist, homophobic bigotry.
Then in a joint statement from the NAACP and the Human Rights Campaign, they expressed:
Outrage and deep concern about the recent racist, homophobic, and ill-informed remarks made by Phil Robertson.
What race is gay?