Spice up your Thanksgiving with a gun control debate!

Spice up your Thanksgiving with a gun control debate!

TalkingTurkeyPlacematThis news has appeared on a few blogs and sites already, but it’s too odd, funny, mind-boggling, not to share here. For many, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends, putting differences aside and looking for peace, harmony, and ways to express gratitude. But not for Demand Action, the Michael Bloomberg-founded gun control group. Demand Action thinks that a really sweet idea for Thanksgiving is to print out and use place mats with a handy gun control message on them. Words fail me….

Libby Sternberg

Libby Sternberg

Libby Sternberg is an Edgar-nominated novelist whose works include humorous women’s fiction, young adult fiction, and historical fiction. Her political writings have appeared at Hot Air, the Weekly Standard, Insight, the Wall Street Journal, and Christian Science Monitor.


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