Another possible sign of a hard-left cultural shift…
Proving that Batman isn’t the only DC Comics character with a little extra equipment below the belt, Batgirl has emerged from the closet, as reported by
Albeit a lesser player, Batgirl (aka Alysia Yeoh) reveals to her roommate during a rather poignant chat in Batgirl Number 19 that she’s both transgendered and bisexual.
But Wait, There’s More…
Not only is Alysia in the process of medically changing from a he to a she. The character is also sexually attracted to, and presumably sexually active with, both men and women. That’s as opposed to her previous stated sexual orientation — which was never mentioned.
Apparently seeking to appeal to a more liberally-minded demographic, DC has portrayed Yeoh, who is of Singaporean descent, as “an Occupy Wall Street-styled female activist, bartender and fine artist.”
Yeoh’s revelation is but the latest in a series of coming-out parties staged by the staff at DC, and so is her identification with the OWS movement. In February of this year, DC released two titled in its Occupy series.