Call it “mourning sickness.”
A short but rather hilarious article in The New York Times titled “Disappointed fans of Mueller rethink the pedestal they built for him” notes that over the past two years, Robert S. Mueller III had become something of a folk hero among certain liberal-leaning elements of the U.S. population:
Over the nearly two years of the Mueller investigation, a segment of liberals and activists built up fervent hopes that it would bring Mr. Trump down. They elevated Mr. Mueller, a former F.B.I. director, into an anti-Trump cultural icon, complete with T-shirts, scented candles and holiday-themed songs like “We Wish You a Mueller Christmas.”
Among the items available to “Muellermaniacs” was a Bob Mueller bobblehead that shows the special prosecutor ripping away his business suit and tie (á là Superman) to reveal an undergarment emblazoned with the sentiment “It’s Mueller Time.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
For one Mueller fan, the hero worship went deeper, into the realm of physical lust. That fan, media celebrity Chelsea Handler, confessed that she is “very sexually attracted to Robert Mueller” and plans to “hang a poster of him above” her “bed.”
Although these antics betray an unsurprising level of buffoonery on the Left, they also bespeak the degree to which politics has become a game in America, which is lamentable. We see this in the behavior of live audiences at “The View” and late-night TV talk shows, which have sadly become vehicles for anti-Trump “humor,” if in fact humor is the right word. Watch this audience at “The View” go wild as co-host Joy Behar reads aloud a phony “scoop” by then-ABC News correspondent Brian Ross claiming that Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that Donald Trump had “directed him to make contact with the Russians.” The money portion of the video begins at 0:12:
You’d think from Behar’s reaction that she had just won the lottery. Notice how the audience joins her when she begins chanting, “Lock him up! Lock him up!”
This is the president of the United States she is referring to, and the thought of sending him to prison is for her, and her audience, a cause for jubilation.
It is worth remembering, too, that it is not just the media that have become culpable enablers in this era of unbridled loathing for the president but anyone with a bully pulpit.