Meet the Young Democrat who registered 19 dead people to vote in Harrisonburg, Va.

Meet the Young Democrat who registered 19 dead people to vote in Harrisonburg, Va.

It was recently discovered that nineteen dead people registered to vote in the upcoming election in Harrisonburg, Va., prompting an FBI investigation, which took very little time to identify the guilty party.

What were the odds he was a Democrat? I’m thinking 99 to 1, and I’m not so sure about the 1.

Meet Daniel Spieles, a student at James Madison University and very active in the local Democrat party. According to Zero Hedge, Spieles is the “‘Lead Organizer’ for HarrisonburgVOTES.” Don’t bother checking that link. It is history already, for obvious reasons.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Likewise, their Twitter account has become “protected.” Gotta’ love that intro on their Twitter page, though:

We work to increase the number of registered voters in the city of Harrisonburg and the surrounding areas, and encourage active civic engagement.#CoolKidsVote.

Many times, apparently.

“While this should come as a surprise to precisely 0 people,” Zero Hedge declares, “Spieles just happens to be a Democrat who, according to a deleted Facebook post, apparently recently ran for Caucus Chair of the Virginia Young Democrats.”

Has anyone else noticed the sad irony of the perpetrator being a student at the university (my alma mater) whose namesake is the author of the United States Constitution? James Madison is not turning over in his grave right now. He is running the spacious grounds of Montpelier tearing his hair out.

From People’s Pundit Daily:

The story was originally reported by The Breeze, a student newspaper. “He turned in 19 voters to the registrar [of] folks that were deceased,” a a source with HarrisonburgVOTES told The Breeze.

HarrisonburgVotes is run by Joe Fitzgerald, a prominent local Democrat and the chairman of his congressional district’s Democratic Committee.

“On August 15 I found out and on the 16 [the suspect] confessed to me,” said Mr. Fitzgerald, who is also the technology coordinator for the dean’s office of the College of Arts and Letters. “I contacted the police immediately to let them know what I knew.”

Republican lawmakers held a news conference call Thursday in an attempt to shed light on the fraud, which they said warrants their push for strong voter ID laws….

Technically, the fraudulent voters will remain registered as the investigation is carried out, but if her office receives an absentee ballot from one of the dead voters, it would react appropriately. [Emphasis added]

Thomas Madison

Thomas Madison

Thomas Madison is an ex-Army officer and stone-cold patriot on a mission to restore strict obedience to the U.S. Constitution. He is editor of the blog Powdered Wig Society.


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