Hacked Pelosi docs show Dems saw Benghazi as problem, tried to cast it as GOP conspiracy theory

Hacked Pelosi docs show Dems saw Benghazi as problem, tried to cast it as GOP conspiracy theory

New documents released from Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s computer by purported hacker Guccifer 2.0, reveal democratic talking points to counter Republican Benghazi attacks.

The document casts the controversy surrounding Benghazi as “Legitimate outrage over the deaths of American diplomats mixed with partisanship.” The document also admits that then-Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice “gave incorrect information on television” in the immediate aftermath of the attack.

The document’s central talking points revolve around ignoring the facts revealed by congressional investigations, and instead on rhetorical flourishes that emphasize patriotism.

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The first talking point focuses solely on the importance of having diplomats in dangerous places and makes no mention of the specific circumstances of Benghazi.

This tragedy highlights the challenges our diplomats face when they serve as frontline civilians, representing our nation in harm’s way. Isolating America and sequestering these professionals in fortress embassies is not a solution. We must value and support their important work, as well as protecting their physical security.

The second talking point paints any attempt at calling for accountability as “pandering to conspiracy theorists.”

Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal. At this point, most public discussion is pandering to conspiracy theorists or harping on the death of an American ambassador to score political points.

The third talking point denigrates the Republican-led congress for investigating the specific circumstances involving the events of Benghazi. The talking point also calls for respecting the families of the fallen in Benghazi, in lieu of actually discussing what happened.

These tragic events have been investigated more than the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Reports ordered by a Republican-led Congress have repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories of criminal negligence or cover-ups, and media coverage has exhausted the issue from every angle. Even incoming House Speaker McCarthy admitted the investigations were more about hurting Hillary Clinton than finding truth. We should remember the sacrifice of these Americans, not reduce their names to political talking points.

The final talking point revolves around attacking investigators of the events of Benghazi. The talking point asks recipients to focus on the voting records of rival congressman, rather than discuss the events of Benghazi.

Some of those most determined to keep this story in the news cycle have a history of hypocritical votes against funding diplomacy and development, the very work these Americans died for.

This report, by Saagar Enjeti , was cross-posted by arrangement with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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