Hillary Clinton routinely walks in or out at her events to the strains of Rachel Platten’s 2015 hit “Fight Song” — which some listeners find enjoyable and peppy, and others consider to be one of the most annoying earworms ever perpetrated.
You can decide for yourself by taking in the official video, at the bottom.
Yahoo’s Hunter Walker reports that even Hillary supporters are sharply divided on the issue.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Sure, “some Clinton campaign staffers insist they’ve grown to love it.”
But there’s a darker side to the reaction, from inside the campaign:
Clinton’s theme music has also provoked negative reactions from Democrats — even some of her own staffers. Guy Cecil, the political director of Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, who was rumored to be in the running for a top position on her current campaign, took to Twitter to complain about the tune’s catchiness.
“Somebody help me!! I can’t get ‘Fight Song’ out of my head,” Cecil wrote.
And anti-“Fight Song” tweets have been favorited by members of Clinton’s team — a gesture that could be seen as a silent, social-media scream from a campaign that has cracked down on leaks.
Turning to an expert, Walker cites this opinion from Los Angeles Times music writer Gerrick Kennedy:
Los Angeles Times music writer Gerrick Kennedy was blunt when Yahoo News asked him for a review of the track.
“I hate ‘Fight Song.’ It’s one of the worst songs ever released,” Kennedy said. “It’s schmaltzy, forgettable.”
Maybe so. But it does lend itself easily to alternative lyrics. Hillary’s not the only one to put it to political use. A California middle school teacher was called out in 2015 for making her students sing these altered lyrics to the chorus’s repetitive measures:
This is their fight song,
Spread Islam now song,
Prove that they’re right song.
Perhaps the song’s tone gives its fans a sense of being cute and girly while urging radical-sounding sentiments. One Hillary staffer put it this way:
“’Fight Song’ is an anthem. ‘Fight Song’ is a way of f***ing life,” the staffer said. “It un-ironically brings me joy.”
Donald Trump has chosen to go a different route with his campaign-theme foray into popular music.