After a Canadian island used a real estate appeal in its campaign to attract Americans who might want to flee from a Trump victory, it was only a matter of time until an American business had a related idea.
Why not line up clients who will want to sell their U.S. homes come November — no matter which candidate wins?
That’s the simple idea behind a realtor’s billboard campaign in Illinois. Whether it’s Hillary who horrifies you, or The Donald you’ll be danged if you’ll sit still for, The McDonald Group has you covered.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
We can’t help noticing that this is Illinois we’re talking about. So it’s possible people might have reasons for leaving other than electoral disappointment. (Boom.)
But you never know. As my hat-tip source at TH points out, a lot of celebrities are promising to move to Canada if Trump is elected. I’ll keep an eye peeled for a similar advertisement from the Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles gang.
Exit question: tell me again why the celebrities never, ever promise to move to Mexico?